This old recipe features a favorite Ukrainian vegetable; beets. This give the roast an unusual red color. This recipe was recorded in Nova Khata (1930) as an example of the nutritional value of "old" and unfashionable recipes.

4 pounds boneless pork or pork shoulder
3 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons oil or lard
2 onions
2 teaspoons salt
4 medium beets
1 pound pitted prunes
1 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon paprika

Pat meat dry with paper towel, rub with 2 tablespoons flour and salt. Brown meat on all sides in oil or lard in a heavy dutch oven. Add thinly slice onions. Cover, reduce heat to low, and cook about an hour. Add a little water when dry. Turn meat twice while baking.

Cook fresh beets in water until tender, reserving liquid. Chop into cubes and add to roast. Add prunes, beet liquid, cover, and simmer for 5 minutes.

Remove roast to platter. Mix 1 tablespoon flour with sour cream pour in roasting pan, and mix well, scraping sides. Simmer until sauce thickens. Taste and adjust seasoning. Add paprika for zest.

Serve with kasha or lokshyna (noodles).

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