Sild meth Surum Rjoma og Graslauk (Herring in sour cream)

4 servings
4 Fillets of salted or spiced herring (saltsild or kryddsild)
2 dl Sour cream or skyr
1 tb Vinegar
1 tb Sugar
2 tb Chopped chives

Desalt or drain the herring filets, depending on which kind you are using. Cut them across into fairly thin slices.  
Beat the sour cream or skyr and season it with the vinegar and sugar (of which you may use more or less according to taste).  Add the chopped chives.  
Arrange the herring slices in a dish, so they are not touching each other.
Pour the sour cream mixture over them and wait for 3-4 hours before serving the dish.  It can be used as part of a cold buffet, or served as a main dish with hot boiled potatoes.

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